Teeth Lost to Gum Disease Can Be Replaced with a Removable Complete Denture

Posted on January 24, 2018 by wlda

As you age, oral health and hygiene issues can lead to periodontal inflammation. If gingivitis is not treated by our dentist, Dr. Aduddell, it can lead to a more serious form of gum disease which is known as periodontitis.

Over time, periodontitis can cause your gums to recede while infected material accumulates near the roots of your teeth. Without professional treatment, this condition could lead to the loss of multiple teeth, as well as complications arising from inflammation. Any remaining teeth may significantly compromised roots. In a case this severe Dr. Aduddell  might recommend extracting your remaining teeth as a first step in fitting you for dentures.  Once your gums have healed, a 3D digital scan of your gums will be used to create your denture.

Your denture will fit firmly in place on its own. However, you might still like to use denture adhesive for an even firmer fit. This might also help prevent stray food particles from getting between the base of the dentures and your gums.

If you live in the Plano, Texas, area and you have been struggling with chronic gum disease, you should call  469-808-9110 to schedule an appointment at Dental Resort.

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